A complementary website to argue: www.comptecarbone.cc
A file developed with Bertrand Claverie, for analysis and perspectives, to download: HERE
To support this movement for carbon counting, we are in the process of composing an associative arc between the partners and convincing the media, elected officials, members of the National Assembly and the Senate to work on setting up this mechanism: we need local committees, educational session facilitators, speakers... and all the animation roles! Ambassadors in neighboring countries! Geeks to animate social networks, local currencies, computer applications...
Animation tools are available on www.escape-jobs.fr/ludiq
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Réduire les dotations de 6% chaque année, répartir entre tous les citoyens, stimuler entreprises et services publics.
Je choisis si je réduis la viande ou l’avion, c’est moi qui gère mon budget carbone…
Égalitaire, il valorise la sobriété des plus modestes par un revenu universel climatique…