A complementary website to argue: www.comptecarbone.cc

A file developed with Bertrand Claverie, for analysis and perspectives, to download: HERE

Participez au prochain colloque du partage climatique et social qui rassemblera les alliés du compte carbone le 1er décembre à Paris et en visio

Multiple partnerships and fertile

  • Large gathering of partners this Thursday, December 1, 6-9 p.m., by videoconference and at the Climate Academy, register by contact@comptecarbone.cc, we find the recordings from 5/14/22 HERE.
  • Our English partners from Carbon WatchDogare doing a remarkable job of recovery after the political change that postponed the carbon map in 2008, see their proposal online. Their name is now ECOCORE.
  • The thinktank CITEGO (for cities, territories and governance) has just published the notebook No. 6 of the national consultation for the "France Energy Climate Strategy"
  • Alternité and Yannick Roudaut contribute to the movement with the CQFD blog cited in the <Press> tab, he presented it during the general public program of France2 11/18/21.
  • The Ecological Renaissance, which broadcasts awareness-raising activities and action plans based on the Ecological Renaissance Fresco, supports fun carbon accounting activities: www.renaissanceecologique.fr
  • Paris-Bascule was very present during the work of the Citizens' Convention for the Climate where the development of the carbon account began: Paris-Bascule
  • Géopolis-Brussel, a gallery of photo reports and debates which relays the carbon account in Belgium: www.geopolis.brussels
  • The 2020 Ecologist Days, at the Cité Fertile in Pantin, hosted a carbon accounting workshop.
  • The Shifters (an association supporting the Shift Project) are writing an action plan in ten chapters to detail the implementation of the carbon account, in a variant marked by the precision of analysis. They communicate through the site www.allocationclimat.fr
  • Act for the Climate, the NGO created in 2018 by Jean Jouzel and Pierre Larrouturou, to propose massive funding of 1000 billion per year for the EU to fight against climate chaos: the carbon account would be integrated into the climate windows which would ensure access to funding and the exchange of carbon points between surplus and deficit.
  • Future Relatives provides writing workshops to stimulate the development of stories on supporting mechanisms as was the case with the carbon account in October 2020.
  • Deb'actors is a cooperative to develop citizenship by creating debates like in the National Assembly, it is associated with the newspaper Le Drenche and the NGO Tous-élus. It has held "carbon account" debates with around a hundred volunteers.
  • The association for carbon-free employment makes its Carbometer free.
  • Forum Vies Mobiles brings together work on carbon rationing in mobility.
  • THE climate conference devoted two of the 9 sessions to carbon accounting.
  • The movement for an online ecological encyclopedia wikigreen includes a chapter for carbon counting, participate in its writing and sharing.
  • Open Democracy studies the governance that the national carbon agency and its regional variations should integrate.
  • With ABC (the Bilan Carbone association, an offshoot of ADEME) we are considering a system for certifying carbon content advisors and verifiers (inspired by organic certification bodies)
  • The University of Lille is experimenting with a carbon card for all students to count and limit responsible greenhouse gas expenditure, HERE
  • French research laboratories have created an association Labs1point5 to reduce their carbon footprint, they opt for a carbon register as proposed here (more than 100 members)
  • the Alliance of the Made Transitions has brought together more than a hundred allies since the call of "We the first" in 2020... It carries the chantiand of our local committees among more than 100 construction sites.

Offer to volunteer

To support this movement for carbon counting, we are in the process of composing an associative arc between the partners and convincing the media, elected officials, members of the National Assembly and the Senate to work on setting up this mechanism: we need local committees, educational session facilitators, speakers... and all the animation roles! Ambassadors in neighboring countries! Geeks to animate social networks, local currencies, computer applications...

Animation tools are available on www.escape-jobs.fr/ludiq

Send us a message

If you have any questions about our movement or the information on the site, please contact us by filling out the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also suggest a debate or a simulation workshop.

Our aim here is to campaign for a referendum in which all French people can show their desire to stabilise our environment and make political life, first in France and then in Europe and the world, more responsible.

Declaration of Independence

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