Let the automated counting take place at each expense

It's just...

Social justice lies in the fact that modest households are responsible for few greenhouse gases, while the richest will lack carbon quotas: these people in deficit will have to buy surpluses at the regional adjustment centre where the poorest will have been able to resell their surpluses to make ends meet.

The rich will be happy to pay for the poor.

Is there justice between an urban person with buses and metros and a rural person who is forced to have two cars per family for any activity? We are told that, conversely, the cost of living in Paris is at least €500/month/person higher than in the countryside, enough to pay 2t CO2/month?

So we maintain the egalitarianism of quotas in the first analysis. It is planned a overquota scale for families fearing they will be in difficulty.

THE evaluations by Lucas Chancel and Thomas Piketty show that 65% of French people would benefit from a quota equal to the average of French emissions (9000kg eqCO2/p/year) because the other 35% are well above the average:

It's all bonus!

We have been given too much punitive ecology, the European Commission threatens us, the French President threatens us, a carbon tax committee wants to give us one more penalty...

The carbon account is a bonus, if necessary we can resell surpluses, we can find out about the climatic effects of our purchases!

But no tax, no penalty, it's all bonus!

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