Ouest France publishes on October 9 the forum which calls on world decision-makers to commit to responsibility of to guarantee the return tobalance of the planet :
A new news blog to report and follow closely: https://solastalgie-merci.fr/blog/le-compte-carbone-solution-universelle-pour-reduire-nos-emissions/
The monthly Le Drenche asked us for an article on the carbon tax for its September 2021 issue according to the conclusions of Seating of the Climate. Besides buying on https://ledrenche.ouest-france.fr/boutique/, you must subscribe to DRENCHE which always publishes the PROS and CONS of every major social issue. Exceptionally we offer the 4 pages that concern us:
The carbon quota mechanism arrives in the presidential debates by the Médiapart evening of September 10, 21, at the index 1.48.57, it is Delphine Batho who puts it in opposition to the carbon tax:
With climate change, are we in a madness? but what kind of madness? the Yonne newspaper took up the text on social madness ...
A very detailed description of the carbon account mechanism appears at the heart of the book COMPTER, between proposals for a heart bank and joint teleworking, between dystopias on how life will be in 2050 or the mystery of caleurs
The new report of the High Council for the Climate comes out on June 30, 2021 and provides tables and values of the greatest interest: Territorial emissions are estimated at 436 Mt CO2 eq for 2019 including 31% of transport, 19% of industry ditto for the agriculture, 17% for buildings, 10% for energy transformation and 4% for waste. They are reduced by 7% by land and forest. To this must be added 6% due to international transport and 52% for net imported emissions!
It confirms what was updated by the Climate Foundation, the national footprint is not 11.2t (according to the 2019 report) but 10t eq CO2 / person / year.
Climate, climate ... but are we talking enough about protecting biodiversity (scientists' warning cry in the file below)? does the climate fight risk delaying the fight for biodiversity? with the mechanism of shrinking individual carbon quotas, we advocate redistributive rationing: this model can be applied immediately to biodivercidal products that we have trouble doing without, plastics, deodorants, pesticides, wild pickings, clear cuts for construction timber ... Let's quickly test the redistributive rationing carried by the carbon account!
The European Union launched its consultation under the title of Conference for the Future of Europe, we made the proposal for a European coordination of carbon agencies, relayed by a specific site:
The press puts carbon quotas in the spotlight following the climate conference: La Croix and then Ouest France publish the columns of Pierre Calame:
The series of 9 video debates with the finest connoisseurs of the climate and the economy began on Thursday 11 February with the president of the High Climate Council and the president of ADEME invited by Christian de Perthuis under the chairmanship of Jean Jouzel. These climate meetings welcomed the carbon account in sessions 7 & 8 on March 25 and April 1. All information and registrations on the site of the assizes:
Science-Fiction associated with researchers is what the book "Nos Futurs" (ActuSF edition, 529p.) Offers, published in August 2020 with the analysis of carbon quotas by Audrey berry, researcher in economics, project manager for the High Council for the Climate. His text in pdf attached, especially for you, interesting for his approach on social justice:
The youth movement for carbon counting initiated by Vianney already has 45 participants working in 13 groups. Each week, video discussions are organized on the main issues of this mechanism. A group to strengthen: what scale of surcharges to propose for people short of carbon for reasons beyond their control.
Call for debate published by Ouest France on November 10, 2020
Convergence: a similar proposal was made some time ago by Yannick Roudaut on CQFD, important to reread for the reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities which is dear to us.
Tribune of August 13, 2020 in the World: response to Mr. Castex on green growth and the territory, the balance will come from an equality of individual quotas which, by reducing year by year, will restore the territory to its pivotal position. 'a new development without greenhouse gas emissions ...
A beautiful tribunee by Pierre Calame on June 26, 2020 to thank the citizens of the CCC who were somewhat victims of a good intention (make them work in 5 groups for more efficiency, which produced a string of sympathetic measures rather than 'a global proposal), he discusses what could be a climate referendum where the social path is the allocation of individual quotas ...
On 23/4/2021 and 27/4/2020 on France Inter, economist Thomas Piketty affirms that it will be necessary to manage to monitor the carbon of all citizens, by a kind of carbon map, without hiding on the technical difficulty and the question of confidence: it compares to the outcry raised by the income tax project a century ago, we must build confidence; to listen here in particular minutes 9 to 11.
In number 294 of Le 1, find Dominique Méda and Dominique Bourg, who confides "we propose that the individual quota be submitted to referendum" ... to read (and support) here.
The europhile radio EURADIO broadcasted the debate on 12 March 2020: Armel Prieur was invited to the Geopolis Centre in Brussels to explain the Carbon Account project and to answer the objections raised by this initiative.
Here presentation of the Earth-oven diagram resulting from the study of Will Steffen, to download in our studies.
Delphine Batho (president of Génération écologie and deputy EDS) and François Ruffin (deputy LFI) propose a law for individual air quotas entitled "Individual carbon quota" on June 30, they explain by a press conference.
Monday August 17, on France Inter, Laurent Joffrin, unifier of the left, calls for the mechanism of individual carbon quotas:
Le Canard Enchainé 25/7/20 étudie les évolutions du Cash :