Let the automated counting take place at each expense

When is it...

There is urgency, even the Governor of the Bank of France recalled this on June 21, 2022 during the European Movement Colloquium In the digital euro, we must keep room for cash payments which retain a symbolic dimension, but we must modernise and consider other complementary currencies.

Everyone mourns the thirty glorious years (the 70s) or the unfulfillable promises. But everyone mourns at their own pace in the five phases highlighted by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (denial, anger, compensation, depression, newfound joy).

Some are in denial (I don't believe it), others in the anger phase (whose fault is it?), others in compensation (a new bike to replace the plane), others in the depression of eco-anxiety, and finally the most advanced, those who see the end, are in the joy rediscovered.

The carbon account allows us to calmly consider the end of climatic cataclysms.

The longest is depression and we must help those who suffer from it too much, by making them savor the present, by developing the five senses, by avoiding talking about the past (painful) and the future (worrying).

And we don't have time to wait, the reduction will be all the more brutal the longer we wait:

We need to start in 2023 to maintain a 6% annual reduction: waiting until 2026 would force us to choose an 8% annual reduction, which is much more difficult to maintain.

Let's not forget that the 800 billion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere above our heads are generating warming that will take years to reduce:

New paragraph

These two plans are two years apart, the first still aims for 1.5°C not to be exceeded and the second 2°C

How to start: a courageous and benevolent political decision, then a confirmatory referendum of the type "Given the climate emergency, should we have a carbon tax or an egalitarian carbon account?"

Then the creation of the national carbon agency and its regional adjusters may require 6 months of implementation so that by the following January 1st everything is in place. (The withholding tax was carried out in 9 months). Depending on the complexity, it may be necessary to plan for two years of implementation, for a gradual start in the first year which could be done without exchange (and therefore without a ceiling for the most expensive, but with the disadvantage that we do not provide reimbursement to the most sober as announced).

To avoid end-of-year congestion, it seems preferable that annual quotas be renewed on each citizen's birthday, which also streamlines family accounts.

•A comfortable annual allocation to “pay” for all purchases of products and services, and which reduces by 6% each year to divide by 5 by 2050

•Implementation announced for January 1, 2025

•Launch a major national debate in 2023

•Conclude it with a national vote

•12 to 15 months of preparing the stores (starting with the approximate values from Ademe, as long as we do not have the carbon invoices from the suppliers) and setting up the National Carbon Agency

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