It's a lever...

France is responsible for 610 million tons of CO2 equivalent per year today. Carbon content and consumption have not been reduced enough:

We know how to make local, low-carbon products, car engines that take them to 2 liters per hundred kilometers, clothes that use less plastic and heat treatments, wooden toys that are as strong as plastic ones, buildings with less concrete...

But so far the incentive for businesses is weak, the economic issue still prevails.

Tomorrow, with the tension over the carbon content of products and services, companies must resist competition and adapt to low carbon!

Consumers will see their quota decrease each year but will find products that follow the decarbonization curve: let's bet that the standard of living will not have fallen in 2050 when we will be at 100 million tons of CO2. Prosperity will have shifted to local products and services by simply eliminating the sources of greenhouse gases.

This leverage is only obtained if the carbon accounting mechanism is egalitarian. It must concern all consumers: if we started with only volunteers (even 20%), companies would not see the pressure of demand!

Indeed, if 100% of consumers ask for less carbon-intensive products, companies adapt to the demand. It is also the richest who are the first to ask to reduce their carbon, manufacturers can start with expensive products and gradually extend decarbonization to the entire range.

We said “useful to businesses”… it’s mainly because the carbon account stimulates their innovation!

French companies are taking a head start on what will become essential throughout the world... offering our low-carbon patents and techniques! Companies also gain by promoting their virtuous products, they will be in high demand.

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