Let the automated counting take place at each expense
This is how...
To cover the entire description, a series of nine simple rules has been defined:
- Each French person is given 9,000 carbon points (half share for those under 18) (1 point = 1kg CO2 eq)
- All merchants label their products and charge carbon points which are transferred by payment cards and phones, integrating local currency systems.
- All companies and organizations have a carbon register where outputs must equal inputs at the end of the financial year, this is what allows products and services to be labeled (at the beginning, before balancing, the trader relies on the value defined by ADEME). Organizations that do not sell anything and cannot receive carbon points from their customers must reduce their carbon footprint by 6% each year in their carbon register.
- Individual accounts are maintained by a National Carbon Agency that is jointly managed by representatives of citizens, traders, administrations, unions and climate NGOs. It benefits from robust IT that guarantees the confidentiality of all exchanges.
- For each purchase that exceeds the annual capacity (low-carbon car, insulation work, low-carbon housing), a carbon debt spreading account is set up. An annual allocation of spreading of more than 30% of the annual quota cannot be exceeded.
- Each sober citizen can make ends meet by selling their surpluses to the regional carbon authority, which can be bought back (in a limited way) by large deficit consumers at a price that fluctuates with supply.
- On each birthday, the quota of each French person is renewed at 94% of the previous year (the reduction of 6% each year being equivalent to the reduction of 80% in 30 years defined as necessary according to the scientific consensus). Thus, everyone is reassured to be in climate action to avoid catastrophe.
- The carbon register of companies is monitored by accountants and controlled by auditors and the Carbon Agency. Exported goods are covered in carbon points by the Agency, they must be decarbonized at a rate of 6% per year. Imported goods must be documented in carbon content by exporters, otherwise the Agency applies values extracted from the European customs nomenclature according to the weights of materials and types of energy used. Imported carbon contents are shown as negative in the importer's carbon register.
- Protection: all vital needs are covered if the quota is exhausted. A scale of over-quotas is established for critical family situations in terms of carbon. The carbon of home-work journeys is shared 50/50 with the employer.
The system proposes a national carbon agency and its regional adjusters. The agency is a non-profit commercial company or a civic interest cooperative. It is organized jointly with citizen-consumers, businesses, public services, climate scientists, economists. It benefits from a governance (set of rules of the game) that is very robust to avoid fraud and disputes.
It assigns to each French person the annual carbon quota, chosen in the first year as the French average, i.e. 9,000 carbon points, each carbon point being worth one kilo of CO2 equivalent as defined by the ISO 14067 standard and the work of ADEME. Minor children are given half a share as in tax matters. Individual accounts can be grouped by tax household, each person declares to the carbon agency the bank cards that will be used for payments and therefore transfers of carbon points: when I fill up with 50 liters of gasoline, the bank card records €100 and 140 carbon points. I can pay in cash thanks to my flashcode secured by blockchain without energy. When I buy two toys as a receipt:
In this case we see the symbol chosen for the carbon point appear, the Greek character called Lunar Sigma.
Software publishers are ready to adapt practices towards the calculation of carbon content and labeling and payment, seewww.agencecarbone.fr/entreprises
Each French person or family group receives a monthly statement where they can check where they are with their quota:
As the responsibilities of public services are visible to all, we expect an emulation effect... so that administrations get involved in the decarbonization game!
Carbon points are naturally transferred to traders who need them for their wholesalers, who need them for their manufacturers, who need them for their raw materials.
For more details, please refer to the pageWikipediawhich details its mechanisms.
If my quota reaches the 10% alert, I receive a message "be careful, you must restrict yourself and you can buy a surplus (limited) at the regional adjuster".
The regional level has already received the surpluses from modest households (the most sober) who were able to make ends meet through this mechanism: surpluses are available for those in greatest deficit who will thus not starve to death (but will have to restrict themselves).
Counting, a book to explain everything
Let the automated counting take place at each expense
This is how...
To cover the entire description, a series of nine simple rules has been defined:
The system proposes a national carbon agency and its regional adjusters. The agency is a non-profit commercial company or a civic interest cooperative. It is organized jointly with citizen-consumers, businesses, public services, climate scientists, economists. It benefits from a governance (set of rules of the game) that is very robust to avoid fraud and disputes.
It assigns to each French person the annual carbon quota, chosen in the first year as the French average, i.e. 9,000 carbon points, each carbon point being worth one kilo of CO2 equivalent as defined by the ISO 14067 standard and the work of ADEME. Minor children are given half a share as in tax matters. Individual accounts can be grouped by tax household, each person declares to the carbon agency the bank cards that will be used for payments and therefore transfers of carbon points: when I fill up with 50 liters of gasoline, the bank card records €100 and 140 carbon points. I can pay in cash thanks to my flashcode secured by blockchain without energy. When I buy two toys as a receipt:
In this case we see the symbol chosen for the carbon point appear, the Greek character called Lunar Sigma.
Software publishers are ready to adapt practices towards the calculation of carbon content and labeling and payment, seewww.agencecarbone.fr/entreprises
Each French person or family group receives a monthly statement where they can check where they are with their quota:
As the responsibilities of public services are visible to all, we expect an emulation effect... so that administrations get involved in the decarbonization game!
Carbon points are naturally transferred to traders who need them for their wholesalers, who need them for their manufacturers, who need them for their raw materials.
For more details, please refer to the pageWikipediawhich details its mechanisms.
If my quota reaches the 10% alert, I receive a message "be careful, you must restrict yourself and you can buy a surplus (limited) at the regional adjuster".
The regional level has already received the surpluses from modest households (the most sober) who were able to make ends meet through this mechanism: surpluses are available for those in greatest deficit who will thus not starve to death (but will have to restrict themselves).