Let the automated counting take place at each expense
It's citizen...
We will not start implementing this mechanism without consulting the entire French population and guaranteeing a coordination European.
A simple referendum to ask whether, to ensure the habitability of the earth, we prefer a carbon tax or the progressive capping by the carbon account described here.
The announcement of equal quotas is a strong civic commitment by placing all French people before the same challenge.
The climate issue has gone beyond the left-right dimension of the old politics, all sensibilities are imbued with this understanding of the urgency, of course with demands for more justice on the left and more order and security on the right, but all active so that France shows the way to planetary balance.
Réduire les dotations de 6% chaque année, répartir entre tous les citoyens, stimuler entreprises et services publics.
Je choisis si je réduis la viande ou l’avion, c’est moi qui gère mon budget carbone…
Égalitaire, il valorise la sobriété des plus modestes par un revenu universel climatique…