Let the automated counting take place at each expense

Here is a mechanism to guarantee carbon neutrality in 2050, the reduction of our greenhouse gases by 80% by then, without taking our heads because the counting will work for us!

Where: mapping of local committees onwww.comptecarbone.org/ici

Why: according to all IPCC scientists, we need to stop the waste of greenhouse gases as soon as possible, otherwise we will have increased the temperature of the planet by 8°C before 2100, thus transforming the world into barbarism and a completely destabilized geothermal system.

Will Steffen in his studyTrajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocenedemonstrates that by exceeding 2° we reach a zone of instability which transforms the planet into an Earth-Oven, definitively uncontrollable!

Download the study by Will Steffen et al, in English

Let's react quickly:

The carbon account movement initiated by Pierre Calame proposes to create a national carbon agency in each country, to allocate a carbon quota to each citizen, initially at the national average, and reduce it by 6% each year. In 30 years this is a reduction of more than 80%.

Download the founding file of Pierre Calame History and developments on Wikipedia

The expected effect is therefore to stimulate companies to reduce the carbon content of all the products and services we consume, if they want to stay in the race since demand will go in this direction! since 100% of consumers will look for less carbon-intensive products!

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