Let the automated counting take place at each expense
Where is it from...
The theoretical aspects of our mechanism were developed by Pierre Calame under the name of individual carbon quotas, in opposition to industrial quotas also called “rights to pollute”. The project came to him under the influence of the Indian ecologist Anil Agarwal who asked “who owns the carbon sinks?” (Good question, right?)
Pierre Calame detailed it in his books "Essay on Oeconomy" in 2009 and then his "Small Treatise on Oeconomy" in 2018. The latter can be found online. It was supplemented in 2023 by his "Small Treatise on Governance".
In 2020 he detailed the principle in the pamphlet “Carbon account”
The best theoretical synthesis appears at the conclusion of the climate conferences conducted from February to April 2021:
Réduire les dotations de 6% chaque année, répartir entre tous les citoyens, stimuler entreprises et services publics.
Je choisis si je réduis la viande ou l’avion, c’est moi qui gère mon budget carbone…
Égalitaire, il valorise la sobriété des plus modestes par un revenu universel climatique…