A Carbon Agency should have extremely robust governance, with joint management including the State, citizens, businesses, unions and professional orders, and specialized NGOs. Here we follow the precepts on the commons summarized by Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom (polycentric approach, avoid entrusting the commons to the market or the State, etc.)

Its roles would be to:
1. monitor individual accounts and verify the carbon balance of companies and the maintenance of their records monitored by accountants and carbon auditors, to the point of declaring bankrupt a company that does not have enough carbon for its suppliers if it has not allocated carbon to its customers,
2. carry out border controls (mainly on payments abroad, therefore perhaps application of the “lost ticket” price), define carbon content values when companies do not know how to evaluate them, consolidate the European customs nomenclature, coordinate with the carbon agencies of partner countries as well as with the European mechanism www.CEQuiC.eu)
3. ensure that annual quotas are effectively reduced from year to year (renewal at 94% on the anniversary date, avoiding the congestion of 1 January),
4. analyze the merits of requests for carbon points, for example according to tree planting or carbon sequestration investments, refuse if doubtful requests,
5. ensure the operation of regional adjusters which will arbitrate the exchange of carbon points,
6. supervise the point transfer mechanism, for example by FlashCode (for example, issue a card for each French person over 10 years old with photo and QrCode, for physical transfers, and identifier and secret code for online operations, all in credit card format in plant-based plastic material)
7. ensure control and counting of international means such as paypal (since it is an online sale, the French merchant then requires the customer's identifier and its verification by online code, this procedure used regardless of the payment method. If foreign supplier, the expense is reported by the bank or the payment service, then the customer must declare his type of purchase by online procedure on the carbon agency, if declaration forgotten it is the highest carbon content which is taken into account at 10 ͼ/€)
8. assist in the distribution of carbon points of administrations and public services
9. supervise the multi-annual spreads of carbon points for sustainable goods according to protocol
10. ensure GDPR compliance
11. ensure alert messages for low accounts
12. manage the accounts of self-employed people in their own name (small farmers, small traders)
13. check that the carbon points of exported goods are not a free pass to create an overvalued carbon account, and ensure by random check that the exchanges are correct between traders, individuals, etc.
14. be in contact with the over-indebtedness commissions and validate the rules for exceptional over-quotas
15. ensure that accounts are reset to zero at the end of the year by generating an emergency fund made up of unused and unsold quotas, with generous citizens becoming members of this fund to help poor countries and deal with contingencies.
16. manage “foreign visitor” carbon accounts and their end-of-stay reimbursement
17. supervise the certification of carbon advisors who will ensure that carbon content is updated for companies
18. check that the IT is robust enough for all this…
The entire system needs to be refined between the ministers concerned; it results in a referendum text to ensure citizen consent to the carbon account. It can be anticipated by a citizens' decarbonization convention.

Want to think with us about the robust governance of such an agency? We will send you a project upon simple e-mail request...
Here is an example of a name card (or phone screen) with flashcode for people who would like to pay in cash. We are working on blockchain authentication with the company Gravity.

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