An alliance charter to support the advancement of the carbon account
We, actors from all walks of life, working for the preservation of the biosphere, bearers of the idea of rationing and equal sharing of our greenhouse gas-emitting consumption, believe that the time has come to unite our forces, our experiences, our energy to propose and initiate the implementation of the carbon account in France and beyond, as quickly as possible.
Our commitment to cooperate with each other is expressed through our support for this alliance charter to which we subscribe.
Reminder :
In 2021, the Climate Conference defined five criteria for climate action:
1- count all greenhouse gases, whether produced locally or imported,
2- guarantee the annual reduction of at least 6% in France towards climate balance 2050, demonstrated as necessary by the IPCC (different percentages depending on the country),
3- contribute to social justice,
4- involve all stakeholders including public services and businesses,
5- favor the least restrictive paths guaranteeing freedom and acceptability.
The conclusion of the experts gathered at this conference established that the carbon accounting mechanism respected the five criteria set out.
1-The fundamentals of the carbon account mechanism:
1. The individual carbon account aims to cap the annual carbon footprint of a given population and reduce it each year (at least 6% in France) until neutrality in 2050, by providing everyone with an equal budget, expressed in carbon points.
2. Everyone is free to make their own consumption choices, with full responsibility, within the limits of the allocated budget.
3. Through a democratically supervised mechanism, it makes it possible to monetize the carbon sobriety of the lowest emitters (the most modest) and the possibility of buying back carbon points by those who lack them, within the limit of the volumes available.
4. It imposes a carbon registry obligation for companies and public services for the controlled circulation of carbon content and for the labelling of all products and services.
2 – A charter, why?
The carbon account alliance charter makes it possible to bring together, around a common base, all the initiatives around this idea of an account, quota, allocation, endowment or individual carbon budget and which recognize themselves in the four pillars set out above.
The charter establishes the fundamentals of the carbon account, but leaves open to everyone's creativity, the rules of supervision and the methods of implementing the system (see examples of points to be defined at the bottom of the page).
This body of proposals, where all opinions can be expressed, could become the basis for a major citizen consultation with a view to a future referendum to decide on the implementation of the carbon account.
This charter guarantees the broadest possible gathering around the basic concept in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect and may also evolve over time and with participation as the subject matures.
3 – Common values
The allies recognize themselves in common ethical principles which they undertake to put into practice:
• Commitment to the preservation of life and the habitability of the planet
• The desire to act concretely and in cooperation with the other members of the Alliance
• Listening and dialogue, with everyone's contribution being welcomed with respect and kindness
• Mobilization around a project for the common good
4 – The Alliance’s means
The alliance defined here can be supported by all signatory organizations, according to their possibilities, to finance a unified communication based on the charter, the operation, the demonstration or intervention operations, it can provide itself with its own resources through external financing.
The alliance can have an organizing committee to which each organization can delegate active members who meet regularly to monitor current projects and decide on joint actions.
The alliance is recognized in the site managed by the Carbon Account Institute.
The alliance defines suitable working facilities such as, for example:
• An instant message loop (Signal), a framalist and a directory
• A shared agenda if possible
• A common knowledge base and communication tools indexed according to a nomenclature to be defined jointly.
Example of points to define to make the carbon account work:
• The possibility, definition and functioning of the bodies responsible for purchases/sales
• The frequency of allocation: monthly, annual, other?
• The methods of distributing the budget: by household, individual, consumption unit, etc.
• Buying/selling rules to prevent hoarding or excessive selling of carbon points as well as speculation on the price of carbon points.
• Should carbon points be renewed without carrying over from one year to the next or should the possibility of carrying over budgets to the following year be allowed at the risk of speculation?
• How to ensure the proper functioning of public services?
• How to track carbon expenditure: credit card? flashcode? telephone?
• Etc.
* Let us recall our VISION:
Since we are all tenants of a world that has no price, of the most beautiful planet there is, we must be able to count on each other and not just in euros.
Our impact on the earth has become too heavy, human action has eradicated part of the biodiversity, of the living, of the resources on which we are dependent to be able to inhabit the planet harmoniously.
The level of CO2 emissions is one of the many factors that contribute to this destruction, but it is also a factor on which we can act. To do this, we must know it, calculate it, contain it, so that everyone can do their part to preserve life, simply the living.
The 610 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent for which France is responsible annually is 9 tonnes per person per year, and we must reach less than 100 million tonnes in 2050, i.e. a reduction of around 80% in less than 30 years.
To do this, a simple idea: the individual carbon account. An egalitarian budget starting at 9t/pers with a gradual reduction of 6% per year until 2050, validated by the 4 criteria from the climate conference.
The carbon account is a powerful lever for decarbonizing our economy: if 100% of consumers demand increasingly low-carbon products to respect their annual budget, companies and public services will have to decarbonize their offering, thus creating a natural virtuous loop.
The carbon account is a system that will certainly include constraints – but fewer than the constraints that await us if we continue on our current emissions slope – but it is neither punitive nor guilt-inducing. Everyone will be able to make their consumption choices within the limits of an envelope defined each year and valid for all.
Today, the majority of French people are well below the average (and therefore the initial quota). The richest who will be in deficit will be able to buy surpluses from a regulatory authority which will buy the surpluses of the most sober.
This will bring about a balance between everyone's needs in euros and carbon, which will mechanically reduce inequalities while guaranteeing that commitments are not exceeded each year.
This objective should not, however, exempt us from a parallel effort to safeguard biodiversity: it is part of a broader search for ways of life that respect planetary limits and the preservation of life, the only guarantee of our survival.
So let's push back climate anxiety together, since the improbable can now emerge like a virus, and let's make a simple individual carbon emissions wallet allocated to each and every person our lifeline.
Now let's join the Carbon Account,
by becoming aware, before it is too late,
that real wealth is not on Mars,
but here below.
5 – The allies who signed the charter:
Coordinatrice de l’alliance : Valérie Cohen
Pour l’association Escape-jobs pour l’emploi sans carbone, porteuse du site de l’ son président fondateur Armel Prieur
Pour Citego, son président-fondateur Pierre Calame
Pour son président Thierry Bouroulet
Pour Together, Samuel Thirion président
Pour DDCM Développement Durable en Corbières-Minervois, Bertrand Claverie
Pour Ecolocal, Joël Aubé
Pour le partenaire britannique
EcoCore, Adam Hardy son délégué qui a publié son Manifesto
Pour Ar Nevez, porteur de politique de territoire en Bretagne, son co-président Robert Jestin
Bernard Fortier, artisan
Philippe Lauret, conseiller décarbonation
Tickarbone représenté par son fondateur Guillaume Desrocques,
Pour e-graine-Normandie, François Bernard,
Pour MaPetitePlanète, Clément Debosque,
Pour AICargo, Antoine Du Sorbier,
Pour Déb’acteurs , Thomas Pittau
Pour CPLC Citoyens pour le Climat, Pascale Osma (avec Clémentine Nordon pour le pôle lobbying et actions citoyennes CPLC)
Pour CTC42, Magalie Viallon et Joël Marty
Olivier Mondin, Impact-RGPD, papa et citoyen engagé pour un futur plus humain et plus terrien
L’organisation du Pacte Civique coordonné par Pierre Guilhaume
Pour le CPIE du Bassin de Thau sa présidente Annie Favier-Baron
Pour Unis pour le climat et AgissonsPourLeClimat-Granville, Alice Brauns
Nadine Robion, formatrice
Christophe Mandereau and his company Phoenix
Le collectif Énergies Renouvelables Observ’ER représenté par Denis Bonnelle
L’alliance des Générations pour le Climat, représentée par son président Jacques Brégeon
Réduire les dotations de 6% chaque année, répartir entre tous les citoyens, stimuler entreprises et services publics.
Je choisis si je réduis la viande ou l’avion, c’est moi qui gère mon budget carbone…
Égalitaire, il valorise la sobriété des plus modestes par un revenu universel climatique…