Most of our resources can be downloaded here by clicking on the words in blue:

The three essentialsls :

The initiating file by Pierre Calame (January 2020):carbonaccount.pdf

The economists' tribune inThe World10/29/2023 for aBretton Woods of carbon currency, see incopy

Therepublication“Keeping the planet habitable” in Attac’s quarterly February 2024

The essentials:

THEwish templateto submit to your municipal council

The books of Pierre Calame (from which the project comes), Short treatise on economics(ECLM editions, 2018) andA short treatise on governance(2023)

Armel Prieur's booksCount(2024) andSatis(2023)

THE Wikipediaof the carbon account

The reportARTfrom June 2023 by Richard Bonnet

The presentation of the carbon account in the new online

Is the effort too much on citizens?Demonstrate that businesses and administrations are the first to be targeted (and beneficiaries)

Degrowth or not? Demonstrate that the carbon account does not reduce the financing capacity of French social services

The aircraft carbon account:

Everyone opens their account onhttps://air-quotas.euawaiting delivery of carbon points after the democratic process to be launched by the European Commission.

Valérie's column inThe Journal

Our visual supports:

A short cartoon »How it works» 1 minute 36

The comic strip by Besse and Lablanche:carbonaccount.jpg

The in-store film showing users (2-minute fiction):downloador read on youtube

Fanny's "I'm fed up" film for the carbon account line (3 minutes):downloador read onyoutube

Marieke's descriptive post-motion film (5 minutes):downloador read onyoutube

The film-dialogue between young girls explaining the mechanism (5 mins) onyoutube

A diagram of the Carbon Account(January 2022)

A mindmap of the mechanism(November 2021)

ThereTEDx conferenceby Côme Girschig at the Sorbonne (October 2021, 20 minutes)

THEdocu-fictionfrom BFM on November 14, 2022 on 2050 and its two hypotheses of “carbon permit” or disaster (36′ film)

THEmaking-offrom the BFM show “2050-Let’s open our eyes”

Two minutes to understand CO2 by France-2:15janvier2021.mp4

Our partners :

The feasibility fileby (November 2021)

TherepresentationClimate Allocation by Vianney for Polytechnique engineers

Will Steffen et al.'s study on the risk of Earth-Etuve:Steffen.pdf

The study ofclimate disparitiesby Lucas Chancel, 2021

Ministerial sourcesfrom the calculation of 9t/person/year

Message of support from our UK partner, nowECOCORE

Jezabel Couppey-Soubeyran and Pierre Delandre integrate the carbon account into theirstudyon monetary creation, onAOC

The media:

Interviewby David Van Reybrouck in Le Soir – March 14, 2023 (following his book »We are colonizing the future", Actes sud, 2023)

Interviewby Martin Hirsch on France Inter on May 8, 2023, he advocates a carbon accounting mechanism at 10%/year in his novel »Solastalgics", Stock, 2023

The call of Pierre CalameApril 17th

The tribune inWest Francethis January 31, 2023 to propose a carbon account sobriety income:HERE

January 12, 2023 byWest FrancePierre Calame's platform for a national debate on action:TRIBUNE

January 6, 2023 begins the year with a weighted article inThe Echoes

ArticleWest Francefrom MP JM Fievet 10/12/2022 (extract)

THE podcastfrom letter 345ppm (June 2022)

The audio interview from Narbonne radio:ECOLOCAL.mp3

The notebook for national SFEC consultation:CITEGO notebook.pdfto propose acculturation to carbon counting

The climate conference notebook for SFEC:CahierEscape-jobs.pdf

The interview inAltersMediaMarch 2022 by Didier Raciné very interested in the differences with industrial quotas

First West France TribuneFebruary 7, 2020

Tribune of Pierre Calame in Le MondeMarch 6, 2020

Tribune StopCarbonof 80 signatories for Ouest-France on July 15, 2020

Tribune with Dominique Méda and Michèle Rivasiin Le Monde on August 13, 2020

The call for debatepublished by Ouest-France on November 10, 2020

Summary platform of the climate conference in West FranceMay 22, 2021

Summary of climate foundations inTHE CROSS(April 2021)

Advocacy against carbon tax in The DrencheSeptember 2021 with its pageAGAINST

“Climate, a social madness” taken up in YONNELAUTRE(October 2021) a variation of the work of Boris Cyrulnik

Ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, in WEST FRANCEOctober 9, 2021 to avoid Glasgow-washing…

Tribune WEST FRANCENovember 20, 2021 with Dominique Bourg, to choose between carbon tax and carbon account

Call for climate rationing inWEST FRANCE08/29/2022 by Pierre Calame with 80 signatories, copyHERE.

Interview with Armel Prieur published on September 14, 2022 in the OBShere

Tribune by Pierre Calame in Le Monde on October 12, 2022:fossil energy, end of abundance, for all!

Midi-Libre on October 18, 2022 after work with AllocationClimatHEREor inpicture

Radio interview10/26/2023 by Sophie in Granville (carbon count starts at 11'38)

Practical sheets:

Carbon Account Story(a sheet with a possible implementation process with its diagram)

Reconciler, the carbon account: how to stop arguing about everyday actions…

FormThe Nine Rules of Carbon Accounting: Explaining the Basics in a Summary

Sheet offootprint calculationcarbon

Answer sheet to thefraud risks

Satisfaction of the Sustainable Development Goals (UN):CC-supportODD.doc

Caseby Denis Bonnelle (30-page file prepared after the climate conference)

Caseby Bertrand Claverie (15-page summary of essential details)

Counter-arguments of Antonin Pottier(December 21 on carbon map)

Analysis of the Pottier file during the conference of May 14, 22:Main messages on Antonin Pottier's study

ADEME critical file on fair carbon value (July 2022, see pages 71-73)HERE

Summary for decision makers(a sheet with the essentials of the mechanism)

Mechanism ofoverquotasfor families in difficulty

Mechanism ofinter-company re-invoicing

Project ofmonthly statement

Project oftransfer orderof points

Proposalcarbon experiment on one hundred families

Aexampleof eight typical cases over 2022, 2035 and 2050

A synthesis on themechanismEuropean EU-ETS rather ineffective

Atlasglobal rationing rates that would be necessary for all countries to implement the carbon accounting mechanism

The Spring Letterby Valerie

Valerie's columnon biodiversity loss and carbon accounting

Thereconferencefrom Geneva on June 1, 2022 by Pierre Calame at the European Conference on Ecological Transition AETE

Thereproposalexperimentation for 100 families and 10 stores and services

A summary report of the symposiumfrom 9/17/2022

Amemoon the fear of carbon

How to count carbon for labeling:carbon-contents-standards.doc

Educational tools:

2 minute cartoon video:How it works, by Nadine

Basic slideshow:WhyCC.ppt

Counting Slideshowto explain in detail with the study of Will Steffen

Reluctant slideshow:free-quotas.ppt(explain to more skeptical participants based on other free quotas)

Slideshow on getting out of climate chaos:exit.ppt

Slideshow of the systemic (starting from the global to introduce the carbon account and some examples):climatesystemics.pptx

Text of theBATTLECompteCarbone VS TaxeCarbone in Toulouse on October 6-7, 2022

Slideshowfor the symposium of the Pact of the Power to Live (the carbon account does not create a carbon market but a melting currency)

Slideshow for Granville conference 9/26/23“Living well with five times less in 2050”

Exhibited in Poitiers on 4-10-23:Global warming, how to correct it

Besançon Day on November 24, 2023 with aexposedand onebattle.

Asobriety income, exhibited at the MFRB on February 17, 2024

Presentation-debate in Thouars on March 13, 2024 with aspecific slideshow

Finally, the carbon account collective has acquired a channelyoutubestorage of our videos (sorry for the advertising, consume in moderation)

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