How it works Extract

The Progressive Capping of Carbon Agency Accounts

The problem : we are at 9*t eqCO2/p/year and must move to 1.5t in 2050!

The proposal : an equal budget of 9000kg/p which reduces by 6% each year = 1800 kg in 2050!

The tool : a national carbon agency that is joint, independent and robust.

The targeted leverage effect : each company must charge its customers for all its carbon consumption. 100% of consumers are asking to reduce -> companies are anticipating in decarbonizing !

Freedom : finished charge mental, it is your credit card which transports the carbon points securely to the joint carbon agency, then the monthly statements explain where we are!
And everyone decides on their life choices...
Who's the boss!

A factor of social justice : THE disparities are strong, if average at 9 t, the richest 10% are at 25t and the least rich 50% are at 5t on average. 68% of French people are below the allocated budget. They can give up their surpluses to the adjustority, requested by the richest so as not to die of hunger!

Onward to the good life : the mechanism generates the relocation of the economy and abandons overconsumption and planned obsolescence products, we have more availability for relationships, self-production, sport, gastronomy! Thanks to the leverage effect, the 1800 kg of 2050 will be equivalent to 6000 today, the companies that will have survived will be those that provide real services and that will have decarbonized the most...

(*) 9t is the new French average after the HCC had estimated it at 11,2 t in 2020 then back to 10t in 2021... surprises still possible?

(**) The illustration of a carbon descent indicator is taken from the project of

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